ARAW : Blockchain Powered E-commerce Channel

Hello guys, we meet again in a series of review for another ICO blockchain project that is performing quite well despite the condition of our market right now. In this article, we’ll talk about #ARAW. Actually, ARAW already has a working product for years. However, they still don’t use the blockchain framework, and that’s why they need to run an ICO to get the money needed to fund their development.
What is ARAW in a nutshell? What makes you should consider this project? Why should you choose this project and not the other? These are three questions that we’ll discuss in brief right now.

ARAW: Blockchain Powered E-commerce Channel

As what I’ve written in the title, we can say that ARAW is a blockchain powered e-commerce channel. In other words, ARAW is the platform where e-commerce transactions and related stuff can take place. ARAW runs on Ethereum network, but it will have different transactions mechanism such as using the Raiden Network to speed up your liquidity, utilizing off-chain transactions and so on.

The full ARAW ecosystemThe core actors in ARAW, in my opinion, is merchant and consumers. Merchant will be able to list their product or give incentive/bonus to their loyal consumers via ARAW token. While consumers will be able to buy and get incentive via ARAW token. This might sound too simplistic, I suggest you read their whitepaper or one-pager to get the gist of it.
Another feature from ARAW is the direct connection to your debit/credit/bank account. This means you can buy or exchange your tokens at any times with ease. You don’t have to use an external exchange or using bank deposit that will take hours or days to process to top up your ARAW balance. And of course, because blockchain is the core of this system, you’ll also be able to track your transactions anytime with ease.

A quick glance at ARAW mobile apps

Does it worth to be on your list?

The answer to this question is actually a bit tricky, it really depends on how you decide what’s worth to be on your investment list. However, I should mention something that you can consider.
First, ARAW has already passed their soft cap. This means it is guaranteed that they’ll continue developing their product. At the moment, I can see that nearly half of the hard cap is reached, so this is actually a good sign because, in the current market condition, ARAW can perform quite good.
Second, ARAW is not a new business, they already exist. What they need to do after their token sale is ‘just’ to update their apps and platform. This means adoption of ARAW token won’t be too long because the userbase is ready.

ARAW strategic partnersThird, they have established partnerships with a lot of good projects, such as Credits, Havven, iFashion Group and so on. This means ARAW adoption to other user/consumers will be much faster. And last but not least, they have a great team and advisors. A great project always needs an excellent team, isn’t it?
So, should you participate in ARAW token sale? It’s up to you, but you have to think deeply.
Note: This article is not a financial recommendation. The author, ARAW and other parties mentioned in this article is a separate entity. The author writes this article based on his own understanding of ARAW, readers should read the original document of ARAW by themselves. The author shouldn’t be responsible for any actions taken by the readers, including but not limited to: joining ARAW bounty program, participate in ARAW token sale, and etc.
Important links that you should check:
ARAW Website:
ARAW Whitepaper:
ARAW One-Pager:
