Blackbox: Creating The Future Of Work

PhDs, top level executives, and founders of technology giants Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Apple, to name a few, come together to develop Blackbox Foundation, a non-profit organization created to provide the backbone of the Blackbox Operating System and ensure its health for years to come.
Blackbox Operating System is an intelligent decentralized application, designed to create the future of work, radically transforming our organizational operations and systems. This revolutionary blockchain-based platform has the greatest minds in the business behind it, and is proudly powered by Aritificial Intelligence and engineered by powerful protocols. Further, it employs the policy on meritocracy to empower humans, increase their value and ensure greater work efficiency, while reducing cost at the same time.

Problems With Traditional Organization Models

Traditional organization models, characterized by top-down structures, are deemed no longer efficient in this digital age. First of all, they are so structured to the point that they already limit the creativity of the workers. Such models might have worked well before, but they are no longer viable in this modern world where the current business environment requires more flexibility and imagination in dealing with situations and problems.

The top-down structure also creates communication problems. Employees from the bottom line of the organization do not have or are not given the opportunity to communicate to the top-level management. Likewise, communication from the top management has to pass through several layers of barriers that, in most cases, it almost never reaches the employees at the bottom of the organization.

Moreover, there is no equality in traditional organization setups. Equality simply doesn’t exist here. Top level managers get higher pay and more privileges without necessarily doing a lot, while bottom-line employees, who do labor-intensive jobs, are only paid the minimum wage rate. This situation is terribly unfair and highly discouraging for someone who has labored so much.

Blackbox aims to resolve all these issues by putting organizational management on a decentralized platform. It will virtually take down the rigid hierarchical structure to create equal opportunities for all. Management layers will be no more, allowing communications to flow seamlessly between the ecosystem’s players, consequently achieving a harmonious collaboration among the workers. Workers will become more engaged to work, in return for which, they will be duly compensated. Human value will increase as workers are incentivized for their contribution. There will be no more discrimination; that barrier will be removed as well. Moreover, the intelligent app will prevent repititve tasks, and human errors will be signficantly reduced, as well, leading to a more efficient management process. On the Blackbox platform, organizations can work with each other for the greater good.

The movement of the platform components will be made possible by the BBOS Token, a utility token that will give network members access to Blackbox, empowering them to have a voice in what happens in the ecosystem. With the token, they will be able to submit proposals and even vote on decisions that matter to them. The token will become the means to incentivize their participation and contributions to the platform.
Token Details:

Token: BBOS
Price: 1 BBOS = 0.16 USD
Platform: Ethereum
Hard cap: 10,000,000 USD
Country: Hong Kong
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