Swiss Alps Energy: The Future of Cryptocurrency Mining

With the ever growing interest of the world in cryptocurrencies and its abilities, one big problem has emerged that will definitely bring the world to a chaos.
Little did we know that the process of cryptocurrency mining is one very energy-intensive process that even China has been thinking of closing a few mining center for consuming so much energy that might leave households and other establishments with no power.
The process of crypto-mining deals with some algorithm trying to solve complex, which are getting more complex every day, mathematical problems. The process is done by some powerful computers with high and strong processing systems. In exchange for doing such complex calculations, the system will be drawing in huge amount of power needed. This is similar to us eating a lot of food in preparation to take our Calculus exams.
On a study, there will only be about 21 million bitcoins to be mined all over the world and about 12 million were already mined. It was said that by 2140, the whole 21 million bitcoins will finally be fully mined. With this statistics in mind if no energy-efficient solution is to be provided for the crypto-mining industry, the world will suffer greater damage in the long run.
So to stop this energy-efficiency issue from going out of hand, the team of Swiss Alps Mining has thought of a solution that will solve various problems.
The Swiss Alps Mining and Energy has made a solution that will make use of the Blockchain Technology and the reutilization of unused buildings and infrastructures to provide the world an energy-efficient cypto-mining solution.
All Swiss Alps Energy (SAE) solutions are environmentally friendly and were engineered to consume and reutilize energy efficiently.
The SAE Goal
The main goal of SAE is to be able to “enable environmentally friendly mining of crypto currencies in the Swiss alps”. SAE will be building mining farms in unused infrastructures and areas around the Swiss Alps. These areas were once traditional mountain farming areas owned by farmers but due to the decline of farmer’s population, these infrastructures and areas were left to collapse since the government law also mandated these buildings to not be considered as residential.
With the availability of such unused infrastructures and areas, SAE will be placing mining farms in it that were planned with the SAE Solutions.
The SAE Solutions
Swiss Alps Energy is revolutionizing the world by promoting digital transformation and evolution over the Swiss Alps area. Being a distributed ledger based energy supplier, SAE hope to bring solution to energy-efficiency and reutilization of energy for the crypto-mining industry. The solutions the team have in mind are the SAM Power Plants, SAM Cubes, samaiX and SAM Centers.
#1 SAM Power Plants
SAE will be either having a direct participation or will be purchasing green power plants to power up SAM Cubes. Instead of buying energy from other energy suppliers which might lessen even more the supply of energy around the area, SAE will be sourcing its own. By being an energy supplier by means of hydro, photovoltaic or wind, SAE can be another energy supplier not just to its own SAM Cube but also t other third parties who wish to power up their mines and rent some energy.
Also, SAM Power Plants will be launched in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) platform that allows transparency to the energy consumed, supplied and cost to both the borrower and the supplier. This way, SAM Power Plants will become an independent energy distributor to the decentralized grid with its renewable energy source at an affordable price.
#2 SAM Cubes
SAM Cubes houses the mining facility of SAE. It is purely automated and has an effective way of utilizing energy making it 50% more efficient that traditional crypto-mining centers or facilities. It is also equipped with an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system that has the ability to recycle excess heat from processes, which in SAM Cubes’ case is the heat produced from the system while doing mining. SAM Cubes are equipped with a cutting-edge technology that allows the reutilization of energy making sure to waste as little energy as possible.
Sam Cubes will placed in higher altitudes, thus the choice of the Swiss Alps area aside from the idea temperature that allows easy cooling, for higher altitudes lessens the boiling point of water. This idea hopes to increase further the amount of heat that can be reutilized through the ORC system to have better energy-efficiency factor.
SAM Cubes will also be constantly sending data with its current condition to a central management platform to maximize mining profit and activities. This management platform is the samaiX.
There are two units of SAM Cubes that are of different sizes. The image below shows the different dimensions.
The image below shows a SAM Cube in actual and its interior.

Being digitally driven, SAE offers customers the opportunity to join SAM Smart Mining or samaiX. This is a platform that will guide customers on their mining activities. It can suggest miners the amount of coins they can mine in this period so that customers can adjust their mining activities accordingly. The coin suggestion is done through a continuous computation done within the platform. Once the customer agrees on the suggestion, samaiX’s embedded Artificial Intelligence will adjust the mining accordingly to the amount of SAM coins promised.
#4 SAM Centers
Whenever there is a SAM Cube operating at a certain area, a SAM Center will also be installed accordingly. This is to ensure the protection of cultural assets and the local will gain tax revenues as well. SAE will be giving a business and profit opportunity to the local area as well.
Also by adding a SAM Center locals will be given a job opportunity and will be trained accordingly to ensure continuous activity of the SAM Cube.
The SAM Token Details and Distribution
Token: SAM
PreICO: Price 1 SAM = 0.60 USD
Price: 1 SAM = 0.80 USD
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: ETH,BTC
Soft cap: 5’000’000 USD
Hard cap: 100,000,000 USD
Country: Switzerland
To know more about the technical details and aspects of the project plus their latest updates, visit their official social media pages and website:
Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:
BCT Username: Abete
BCT User Link:;u=1183989
